Local Dealer Stores
We Know
We provide this list of stores to give you additional outlets for acquiring postcards. We will
only list stores that have a significant quantity of cards that might warrant the drive. We will not list stores that
only have a box or two of postcards, similar to what might be found at a flea market. If you
visit any of the dealer stores listed below, please tell the store owner that we referred you, and........be sure to
ask about quantity discounts! Do you know of other local dealer stores? Send an e-mail to George Wagner. Thanks!
Barbara Booz - by appointment only
The Card Shark Perth Amboy, NJ
(732) 442-4234
U.S. town views and holiday postcards
By appointment only (732) 442-4234
Tom DeLuca Trenton Stamp
& Coin Co. 1804 Highway
# 33, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 800-446-8664 or 609-584-8100
Stamps, Coins, Postcards
Mon to Sat 10-5 Wed - open to 7:30
Mike's Antique Postcards 2750 N. Reading Road Adamstown,
PA 19501
Business: (717) 484-4646
Mobile: (717) 413-2298
Open 7 days a week 10:00 to 5:00